the trees gave birth to funny things last night
as we went to sleep in our hearts, our bodies went out
to fight and to fuck
the sun coming up
was no warning to us
we kicked both slippers to the wall, ate
the pumpkin whole, and kept dancing
streamers emerged from our heads
like maypoles in spring
- held aloft and twisting by birds and wings -
and yet we did nothing
but dance and fuck
our hearts torn from the mast
the pirate flag flying
we laughed at tug boats, and set sail
for the sea
tomorrow to be kidnapped
and yesterday pillaged
and the moment, the moment,
the moment of now?
was never ours and could not be
reached, though we fought our way
to the front, all elbows and twists,
it was gone by the time we reached the pew
and so few, so few,
so few of us noticed