Peaceful times and peaceful ways
the birdsong breaks the still day
into ghostly life, and, as though
I were already dead,
the joyous twitter
breaks my heart
Gettin tetchy somewhere in Spain
Small parts and pieces,
share it
done miles and teeth yes,
spare it
heavy here
and light on the detail
with smiles and
what not
then the grit and dust bite
the bone deep
loose sleep,
did you?!
spare it!
Small matter at hand
the passing van couldn't care less
the flower on the hill
didn't even notice
and where was that grand
hand when life shifted?
it was never there
the architect gestured
the astronaut
with glass in hand was
fearless and stupid
the hearts and minds were old
and left behind by the
mettle of the mind
but it was progress
and left with the cold stare
of knowledge and reason
we were powerless
fight fire with fire, its said,
but with sparks and flames
we were smokeless
I couldn't have spoken less
what I meant to say was
there is nothing smaller than the mind
with one grasp we leave behind another
beauty gained is power lost
and we are all too engrossed
and must be
without a single proper purpose
we are pointless